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Information that puts you in control

Most of the people we meet are frustrated because their current provider does not tell them their annual net return (i.e. after all costs). This makes it difficult for them to compare investment returns with other providers.

As part of our service, we interpret the information in the annual statement from your current provider and calculate your annual net return. You then get a ClearCompare™ report which shows the difference (in pounds) that switching to us would have made. We provide this report for free.

Last year, clients used our ClearCompare reports and discovered that they missed out on a total of £957,968 of additional return before they switched to us. This is because, on average, our yearly net return was 3 percentage points greater than their previous manager.

Source: ClearCompare reports sent to ClarityAM clients between 1/1/23 and 31/12/23. Investment return data taken from provider statements supplied by the client. Strategies are compared according to equity weighting as follows:


Currency: British Pound.

Returns are compared net of fees on an ongoing basis.
Arran returns are calculated net of fees including the estimated ongoing charges of the underlying funds, the investment platform fee (estimated at 0.25% p.a.) and the Arran annual management fee of 0.36%.
Most of our clients choose not to have ongoing advice so we assume this for our calculation.

This information does not constitute advice, a personal recommendation or a recommendation for any product. It's important you understand the risks; if you're unsure please consult a suitably qualified financial adviser. Tax treatment depends on your individual circumstances and rules may change. Past performance is not a guide to future performance. Return information assumes that the investments are held in an ISA or a pension and that no tax is payable; it does not take into account your personal tax situation which may reduce your net returns from those shown. The levels of taxation and their respective treatment depends on your individual circumstances and the applicable law (which may be subject to change in the future). The information has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but no representation or warranty is made as to its accuracy, completeness or correctness.

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