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Improving your return

How much could it be worth to you?

Give our outcome calculator a try. Discover the extra value you could create by getting your investments to work harder (no sign up required).​

  • Most of our clients benefit from a 1-percentage-point improvement in their return when they switch to us.

  • 1-percentage-point doesn’t sound like much, but it can improve your long-term outcome significantly.

  • Enter the value of your portfolio below and we’ll calculate the long-term impact for you.

Portfolio value: £

You want to consider a £                   portfolio. Let's assume that your current manager will deliver future investment returns of 4% every year (after all fees have been deducted).

At the end of the first year, the 4% investment return makes the portfolio worth £                   (a 4% increase).


How much more would your portfolio be worth if it had been switched to a manager that achieved 5% returns p.a.?

Well, the switched portfolio would be worth £                   (a 5% increase). So in this example, the benefit of switching is an extra £​           .  

At the end of the second year, the benefit would be £                (that's more than twice £                because of the compounding of investment returns).

What would be the benefit after 25 years? The answer is £                  . A small change over a long period of time goes a long way. The chart illustrates this example beautifully.








This example is for information only. It does not constitute advice, a personal recommendation or a recommendation for any product. Return information assumes that the investments are held in an ISA and that no tax is payable.

The assumptions used might not be very relevant to you. That's why we offer a free comparison service. We check if our portfolio beat the return of your current portfolio last year. We do all the calculations and show you the results. Sound good? Then let's get started.

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