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Our investment strategies

We created Arran Investment Management to offer a range of investment strategies to suit the risk profile of most people


There are nine Arran strategies available

Arran Risk Profile Strategy 2 (RP2) is the lowest risk strategy that we offer followed by RP3, RP4 and so on until Arran Risk Profile Strategy 10 (RP10) which is the highest risk strategy that we offer.

All our Arran strategies are designed to be held for at least five years. However, you can sell or switch to a different Arran strategy at any time.

All our Arran strategies share the same investment philosophy

  • Diversification: Spreading your money across a range of investments to help control your portfolio’s risk.

  • Global: Our strategies look globally for good investment opportunities.

  • Long Term: We focus on long-term investing. No short-term trading, no shorting, no derivatives, no absolute return funds and no leverage.

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