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We’re here to
make investing a
whole lot clearer


  We’re focused              
  on helping you get the job           

You know your money could probably be doing more. But knowing where to invest it can be tricky.

You need a fuss-free solution to whatever your investing challenge is. So we do all the work to help make your investments go further.


Your money, your call

Comparing and switching, whether it’s your mobile network or electricity provider, is an easy way to get more for your money. So why can’t you do the same with investments? With us, you can.

​In just a few simple steps, you can compare your previous investment returns with the returns you would have achieved had you been with us.

If you’re not convinced, there’s no charge and no obligation to use our services. But if you like what you see, switching to us is easy.


Why ClarityAM?

We never pay our employees a sales commission so you have pressure-free conversations.

We promise to let you know free of charge if our advice can't improve your situation

All our shareholders and employees use the same range of investment strategies and pay the same fees as you

Transparency guaranteed

How did your investments do last year? Good? Bad? Don’t know?

You deserve a straight answer, so we provide a ClearCompare™ report showing how your investments did compared to similar competitor portfolios.


Your ClearCompare report puts you in control. We aim to deliver better than average investment returns, but if your report indicates you might do better elsewhere, then you’re free to go (we never charge exit fees). 


Client experience

Last year, clients used our ClearCompare reports and discovered that they missed out on a total of £957,968 of additional return before they switched to us.


This is because, on average, our yearly net return was 3 percentage points greater than their previous manager.

Learn more

Better than your current

Whether you are a cautious or adventurous investor or anything in between, we believe we can improve your investment outcome. 

Give our free ClearCompare tool a try to discover whether your money could be working harder (no sign up required)


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